Introducing the Consortium: In our interview series, the consortium partners of Car Repair 4.0 answer questions. This time: eco – Association of the Internet Industry

About the author: Hauke Timmermann, Project Manager and Digital Business Models Consultant at eco – Association of the Internet Industry
Company: eco – Association of the Internet Industry, Lichtstraße 43h, 50825 Cologne, Germany
What role do you / does your company have in the project?: Dissemination, marketing and public relations, stakeholder management, community, the bridge to Gaia-X and its Federation Services
Company website:
By Ralf Schädel, IT Editor and Project Manager Cloud Services and Gaia-X at eco – Association of the Internet Industry
Car Repair 4.0: Mr Timmermann, what is the significance of Car Repair 4.0 for the German automotive service landscape?
Hauke Timmermann: AI-supported, data-driven error diagnosis can not only improve the automotive service landscape. Embedded in a trusted, open, and federated data ecosystem like Gaia-X, it will also influence the way data is handled and introduce SMEs to new digital business models. As car repair shop owners, diagnostic manufacturers and companies from the AI environment reflect to us, Car Repair 4.0 has enormous potential to launch solutions for the major challenges of digitalisation, the shortage of skilled workers and electromobility.
In addition to maintenance and servicing, which other business areas in the automotive sector could be affected by AI-supported vehicle diagnostics?
Timmermann: AI-supported automotive error diagnosis will have an impact on the entire value creation process. Supply chains and processes in everyday workshop life are changing, resources can be used more sensibly in terms of sustainability – a possible keyword at this point is the German Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz – LKSG), which came into force at the beginning of 2023. The entire aftermarket and the manufacturers are also affected. They have opportunities to save large investments in research and development.
Why is artificial intelligence (AI) particularly suitable for offering added value to SMEs?
Timmermann: The key technology AI can mean major competitive advantages. AI applications can analyse vast amounts of data and optimise complex processes. An example of the value creation potential: In the area of predictive maintenance, AI-based systems enable proactive maintenance through analysed sensor data, thus reducing down time. The Service-Meister project, for example, has succeeded in creating a platform through which users can obtain AI services for the technical service of industrial plants.
What benefits do you hope Car Repair 4.0 will bring to your company?
Timmermann: As a use case of Gaia-X, Car Repair 4.0 contributes to bringing the project of establishing a trustworthy digital space according to European standards to the public. At the same time, Car Repair 4.0 ensures that the eco Association, which coordinates the development of the service specifications at Gaia-X, can demonstrate its expertise in the mobility and automotive sectors. With a successful research project, we show how we can tackle new tasks and show our member companies that we drive and actively shape developments, such as those in digital infrastructures and digital business models.
How would you describe your contribution to the project?
Timmermann: As the largest Internet association in Europe, eco has a large network of members. We network decision-makers with each other, have experience with research projects and their dissemination. We want to bring all of this to the table to make Car Repair 4.0 a success and to build a bridge to Gaia-X so that the “Federation Services” are put into practice.
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